Eventioneers Take it Out to the Ball Game with HFTP!
As a technology influencer in the hospitality industry, Evention values its collaboration with Hospitality Finance Technology Professionals (HFTP).
Since Evention’s launch in 2004, HFTP continues to support our efforts to reinvent the back office for upper upscale, luxury, and other hotel properties.
Last week, Evention joined our HFTP Chicago colleagues for a day out at the ballpark to cheer on the Cubs.
Eventioneer and HFTP Chicago Chapter President, Chris Contos, oversaw the event.
“Connecting with fellow hospitality professionals through HFTP adds value to Evention’s operations,” Contos said. “One of my favorite aspects of serving as president is facilitating networking opportunities, including this Cubs game outing!”
More than 30 hospitality professionals attended the event.
Eventioneer, Lindsay Turner, who manages Evention’s Client Success Team, also attended the game.
“Opportunities, such as this game, to interact with clients from HFTP allows us to help Evention solution users optimize their operations,” Turner said. “The Client Success Team takes a lot of pride in that!”

Evention enjoyed taking part in this event! Thank you, HFTP!